Sunday, 27 September 2015

Coping With Problems

We studies coping with problems is give reasons why family problems need be addressed. Describe these serious problems that families face and demonstrate appropriate, responses to them: abuse, rape, depression, suicide, substance abuse, and alcoholism, and identify sources of help for family problems.

Family is group all people lives together with sharing the interest, hobby, problem, happy tie, so when the problems occurs in the family it must be addressed in order to find solution or any helps.
Abuse, rape, depression, substance abuse, alcoholism, are common problems in family.

Strategy for serious problem help are let person express their negative emotion. encourage the person focus on in the person's past success, help the person to find possible solution, join support, and ask for help from expert in the community or organisation.

Question and answer 
1- Question:  What is abuse? How many form are there?
     Answer: Abuse is to use something wrong.
                + There are two forms of abuse:
                  A: Physical abuse
                  B: Mental abuse 

2- Question: What is rape? How can you reduce it?
     Answer:  Rape is an activity of forcing to have sexual intercourse.
               + you can reduce the risk of rape by:
                  A: Walking or traveling in the well-lit place.
                  B: Doors and windows must be locked.
                  C: Avoiding to stay with stranger or alone.
                  D: Call to police if meed.

3- Question: What is depression?
     Answer: Depression is the long term of sadness or despairs with lacking of energy.

4- Question: What is suicide?
     Answer: Suicide is on action of killing one self.

5- Question: What is substance abuse? 
    Answer: Substance abuse is use of illegal drug.


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